February 5, 2024
“I’m so lucky, everything works out for me.” This catchy affirmation is the background of my cell phone and the main idea of the trending everywhere “Lucky Girl Syndrome.” While it may have recently gone viral, Lucky Girl Syndrome is really just the law of attraction rebranded for social media! But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value- there is definitely a place for this way of thinking which can be fun, helpful and may even improve your mental health.
So what is Lucky Girl Syndrome? It’s the belief or state of being that everything works out for you. The root of this is that our thoughts create our future. If we choose to focus on positive thoughts and use affirmations throughout our day that we will then bring what we want into our life. This could also be called manifesting!
At the heart of this concept is also the idea that we live in a world of abundance. When we approach life that way vs with a scarcity mindset our energy changes. With a scarcity mindset we believe that resources are limited and so if a friend or a family member has something then we think there is less of that resource available to us. It could be a job, money, happiness or even love. With an abundance mindset is the belief that there is enough in the world for all of us and that others’ successes and joy does not detract from our own.
Another aspect of Lucky Girl Syndrome that is helpful is that when stuff doesn’t go our way in life, we can reframe that as the universe having your back and that it’s always “this or something better.” What often feels like rejection, such as losing a job or a bad breakup can be seen as redirection from the universe. This may mean an even better job or relationship is coming your way.
You may be wondering if there is any scientific evidence to back this up! Everyone has what’s called a Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is a bundle of nerves in your brain stem. Its function is to look for information that validates your beliefs and it uses this to filter the information that we are bombarded with all day. When you believe you are lucky, your RAS will start to look for proof of that and guide you towards more evidence that you are!
How can you incorporate some Lucky Girl into your life? Here are some easy ways to start:
“I let go of limiting beliefs and create my own luck and destiny” “The universe has my
back and is working in my favor” “I am worthy of success, abundance and joy” “Miracles happen
for me everyday”
Not sure where to start? Pick one of the four ideas above, give it a try for 30 days and see how it positively impacts your mindset and life! Sounds too easy to be true? So easy that you may just need to try it!